Residential Sealcoating

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Driveway sealcoating gives your asphalt a number of benefits. These include

  • Extend your driveway’s lifespan
  • Increase your home’s value
  • Make your asphalt safer
  • Enhance your home’s curbside appeal

That being said, residential sealcoating is also far more affordable than repaving your driveway.

Asphalt Pros has built a reputation as a reliable and honest residential sealcoating company in Indiana. We help homeowners raise their home’s value and make their driveways more attractive. Most importantly, we help you protect your driveway, a major investment.

By working with high-quality materials, modern equipment, and technical expertise, we offer unrivaled artisanship in our driveway sealcoating services. You deserve the best, and Asphalt Pros can provide just that.

asphalt driveway before sealcoating
asphalt driveway after sealcoating

Does a Driveway Need Sealcoating?

Here in Fort Wayne, the intensity of our summers mixed with the harshness of our winters means your asphalt driveway is blasted all year with damaging moisture and UV rays. This combination means you’re the life span of your drive is significantly shortened if left unprotected.

Unprotected driveways are more prone to oxidizing. As asphalt oxidizes, it can eventually lead to your driveway cracking, sinking, or becoming uneven. Over time, your driveway can become unmanageable and harmful for you to drive on.

If you want to avoid letting moisture and UV light overtake and disfigure your asphalt driveway, sealcoating is your best option. It’s a cost-effective service that helps protect your driveway. Without driveway sealcoating, you will have to replace your driveway sooner.

So to get to the question of whether or not your driveway really needs sealcoating, the true answer is, honestly, it’s up to you. Do you want your driveway to last 20-25 years or just 10 year? If you want it to last, get in touch with Asphalt Pros today for your free estimate.

How Does Driveway Sealcoating Help

Protects Against UV Rays: Asphalt in Fort Wayne gets bombarded with UV rays and moisture, making it prime for damage from oxidation. Sealcoating slows down oxidation damage by blocking harsh conditions.

Dulls the Impact of Weather: The freezing/thawing cycles in Indiana can cause trapped moister to cause all kinds of problems for your asphalt driveway.

Makes Your Property Safer: A sealcoated driveway is smoother and thereby safer to walk and drive on.

Slows the Permeation of Chemicals: Cars, trucks, and other vehicles are notorious for dripping, spraying, and spilling all sorts of rough chemicals on your driveway. Sealcoating keeps much of that potential damage at bay.

Increased Home Value: Yep, you read that right. Because of the protections and beautification provided through driveway sealcoating, your home’s value is immediately increased.

Driveway before sealcoating
Driveway Sealcoating after

Driveway Sealcoating FAQ

How long does driveway sealcoating take?

In the vast majority of cases, sealing a driveway is only a single-day process. If it looks like there may be any delays with your project, we’ll let you know before the job gets started.

How long after sealcoating do I have to wait to use my driveway again?

A freshly sealcoated driveway needs 6-12 hours before you can walk on it, and between 24 and 48 hours before you can drive on it. Our professional installers will let you know how long you should wait.

Can I sealcoat an asphalt driveway that was just installed?

While it might seem like the best idea to sealcoat an asphalt driveway the instant it’s dry, you should actually wait at least a year after paving before giving us a call. Oddly enough, your newly installed driveway actually needs the weather to wash away oils left behind by the initial installation and the sun will help cure the pavement during that first year.

Otherwise, you run the risk of having those installation oils mixing with your sealcoating, which can quickly cause issues with sealcoating.


Protect Your Property

Being locally operated and family-owned, Asphalt Pros takes great care to provide the best driveway sealcoating available in the Fort Wayne area. We stand by our work, and we know you’ll love how your driveway looks.

By working with excellent materials and well-trained staff, we work to ensure your driveway looks and works as good as possible while increasing the overall value of your home.

Fully licensed and insured, having Asphalt Pros sealcoat your driveway means being able to rely on your driveway for years to come.

Get in touch with us today with any sealcoating questions or for a free estimate.

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